Sunday, December 2

Concert in Central Park

Went to the opening of the SAARC bands festival in CP

when the first band came on - advaita - the crowds were a little disappointing
i guess four o clock was too early for some of us
but pretty soon the entire Central Park filled up
from the college crowds
to forty year olds who were reliving their rocking years

in the last two years
ever since the metro connected up
the north, west and east of the city to CP
the place is filled up with all kinds of folks
in the evening
out shopping or just like that

a decade ago this was not possible
having spent so many years
crisscrossing the inner circle
i have seen the traffic grow
knocking off the
shoppers and college kids
to places like Priya
or Saket

now with two of the theatres
Plaza and Rivoli
new stores opening up
and the metro operating
the crowds are back

the central park
has also been done up
with a performance area
and informal seating arrangements
on grass

As we walked out of the concert
to head for the metro
the echoes of strings
i thought
this was going to be a sweet winter

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